
搜狐焦点来宾站 2023-07-19 15:06:10






瑞玺大厦坐落深圳南山最核心的商业地段太子湾片区,由招商局集团与 10 Design 联手打造。基地面朝深圳湾,通连深圳各区、香港国际机场、澳门,是走向全世界的门户。项目与高端艺术消费场所 K11 、世界一流文化中心、游艇码头和新型的蛇口邮轮中心等相邻,让住户置身于宜业宜居的优质生活圈,享受国际化社区的非凡体验。

250 米瑞玺将会是太子湾片区最高的住宅大楼,预计在 2023 年中落成。项目总体规划面积达 139,000 平方米,不但设置无与伦比的俱乐部休闲设施,所有公寓皆享有绝美海景,将会是市区顶级豪宅之一。塔楼布局以垂直分割为两个主要区域,可分别通过私人专属电梯到达,并直达共享空中花园和设施。高低区都设有两卧至三卧户型,而复式单位则位于塔楼最高处。

10 Design 设计合伙人 Nick Cordingley 说:「这豪华公寓的设计概念始于回家之旅的奢华体验。关键在于如何在整个回家的旅程中加强与空气,光线,海景及山景自然环境的紧密联系。」

奢华的回家旅程由住户踏进滨海大道便已展开。透过私密的园林式落客区、两层通高的花园中庭电梯厅, 以及将起居延伸至室外的宽敞室外阳台等,展现极具气派的品质生活。

最后,设计方案以简洁的单核心筒结构策略,设有多元化的户型以迎合不同的需要。当中包括, 低区可眺览幽雅花园的两卧及三卧公寓,高区尊享独特景观及宽敞阳台的三卧公寓,以及顶层独领360度全景及花园式泳池的复式公寓。

Cordingley 补充说:「在设计过程中,我们特别强调高度个性化的优质配套设施,以进一步勾勒生活的精致高贵感。」

方案提出住户独享的海湾俱乐部便是优质配套设施的实现。俱乐部被设计成空中绿州,置于第 46 层的塔楼空间内,把秀丽明媚的滨海风光尽收眼底。俱乐部另设有全面的体育,休闲和社交等各类设施,让住户足不出户也能享受完美的品质生活。

而在塔楼底部和裙房上方是引入了更加自然的设计空间和充满活力的公共花园平台和俯瞰大海的 30 米无边际泳池。海景花园平台同时是文化交流和聚会活动的半私人社交场所,有助加强社区凝聚力

玺定必刷新太子湾的天际线,成为深圳高端住宅的典范之作。方案设计充分发挥了太子湾的优越山海地理位置,与周围自然景观互相呼应。10 Design 的设计创造超凡独特的顶级滨海居所,展现与众不同的生活配套,得以傲视同侪。







In addition to some preferential policies that foreign hukou can enjoy in the local area, the following types of policies can only be enjoyed by Shenzhen household registration personnel: applying for public rental housing; 6,000 yuan/person for undergraduate, 9,000 yuan/person for master and 12,000 yuan/person for doctor, and the municipal government's talent housing subsidy; Handle the Hong Kong Pass with one sign and multiple lines; Newborns can apply for children's medical insurance. In addition, Shenzhen household registration personnel can also enjoy the following preferential policies: some civil service positions are generally for Shenzhen household registration personnel; It is convenient to apply for a certificate and all kinds of certificates; Higher social insurance benefits. Let's focus on this aspect of social security benefits. In addition to higher medical insurance than non-Shenzhen hukou personnel, Shenzhen hukou also has endowment insurance, and you can enjoy retirement benefits after 15 years of payment. If the wife of both husband and wife is registered in Shenzhen, the reimbursement of maternity insurance will be higher, in addition to housing provident fund and unemployment insurance. Newborns with Shenzhen hukou can apply for children's medical insurance as soon as they are born, while children with non-Shenzhen hukou need to enter the park or school before they can apply for medical insurance. Children with Shenzhen hukou can also apply for medical insurance through community workstations or by themselves. Shenzhen hukou can also apply for unemployment insurance, and you can learn to drive and take a driver's license for free with the unemployment certificate. Shenzhen hukou also plays a great role in children's education. Children with Shenzhen hukou can go to school with lower tuition fees, and they can also apply for degrees in schools with higher enrollment rates, while foreign hukou needs to pay a certain amount of borrowing fees. Shenzhen hukou can apply for low-rent housing and affordable housing. Many local affordable housing is only for Shenzhen hukou personnel. In the era of nationwide housing prices rising, Shenzhen housing prices are also high, while the local affordable housing prices are much lower than the market prices, but only for Shenzhen hukou personnel. Especially in the current period of escalating purchase restriction policy, people with Shenzhen household registration have advantages over foreign household registration in terms of purchase restriction quantity, down payment ratio and social security payment period. The above is the introduction of preferential policies for buying a house in Shenzhen. In order to effectively settle down and live without speculation, Shenzhen's mortgage control policy has been continuously upgraded. In order to effectively meet the needs of local property buyers, it is bound to restrict the buying behavior of foreign households, which is why you can enjoy more preferential treatment when you settle down in Shenzhen.

The telephone number of the sales office of the developer: 400-0666-032, and the grading number is 1315(24-hour hotline).
